
COL: (+57) 601 841 5088 Cel: (+57) 318 3866959 | ECU: +593(2)280 0350 | BOL: +591(3)3 200 252 | PLANTA TALCO: (+57) 602  6411546 Cel: (+57) 3174278261 ARG: (+54) 9116 411 6377


Satisfaction survey

Your opinion is valuable to us.

We invite you to fill out this satisfaction survey.

    Company name

    Contact person


    1. Is the attention to your doubts, suggestions, observations and difficulties friendly, immediate, clear and receptive?

    Observations and / or comments question 1*

    2. Has the delivery of the raw material been timely and on time?*

    Observations and / or comments question 2*

    3. Does the documentary information and identification of raw materials meet your requirements?

    Observations and / or comments question 3*

    4. Does the quality of the raw materials delivered meet your requirements?*

    Observations and / or comments question 4*

    5. Attention to your complaints, claims or non-conformities is*

    Observations and / or comments question 5 *

    6. Do you consider Merquimia Colombia S.A.S. as a strategic ally for the development of your business or company?*


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